Climbing competition

Can’t go higher

I Edition

Competition based on the fastest

ascent in the all free style to the top

of the 252-meter Big Tower.

July 14-16, 2023

Big Tower, Szczecin

In the first edition of the competition, 16 experienced climbers took part, competing in teams of two.

Climbersgathered from all over Poland, including Białystok, Warsaw, Sosnowiec, Wrocław, Radom, and Świnoujście.

The route to the top had 10 pitches with a maximum difficulty of 6b.

The first team started at 6 in the morning. The last team finished climbing at 9 pm. Temperatures that day exceeded 30°C.

Competitors descended from the tower using the MegaFun DreamJump inside the old chimney.

Zespół from Wrocław, Volodymyr Hryniuk and Paweł Kaczała, won first place in 2 hours and 42 minutes.

2nd place Grzesiek Mróz & Marek Grotowski

4 hours 11 minutes + added time of 30 minutes

3rd place Szymon Cybart & Bartosz Brzozowski

4 hours 11 minutes + added time of 60 minutes

Mateusz Staworowski set the route to the top using Bat Holds and AVA Volumes products.

Both manufacturers presented their climbing teams at the competition!


The authors of the photos on the website are Ewa Zaręba, Marcin Ciepielewski, Krzysztof Karpiński, Kamila Kozioł, Mateusz Staworowski.

referee of the competition was Maciek Nieścioruk, the president of KW Szczecin, with the support of volunteers.

IRATA rescue team: Paweł, Kasia, Czarek, & Tomek diligently watched over the safety and health of the competitors!

Next edition – 6-8/09/2024

Find us

Do you want to reach the top,

or maybe you have and idea for a joint project?


+48 668 336 545



Transportowa 1, Szczecin POLAND


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